How to avoid cargoes from different orders mixed on the same pallet?

When calculating how to stack boxes on a pallet, it is generally required that the cargoes of different orders cannot be mixed, that is, only the cargoes of the same order are allowed to be mixed. Can LoadMaster container stuffing software realize it and how? Let’s use an example to explain. The cargo data is as follows:

Corresponding loading requirements are as follows:

  1. The cargo cannot be placed as the length is vertical to the ground.
  2. When palletizing, only A and B can be mixed on the same pallet, the others cannot be mixed.
  3. Calculate how to pallet the goods and what kind of pallet is suitable.
  4. The height of the pallet is limited to 1.2 meters (including the height of the pallet itself), and 5cm is allowed to extend in the length and width directions.

According to the current loading requirements, the task type [Loading Flat Pallet/Multi Cargoes] should be selected.
Since it is required that cargo cannot be placed as the length is vertical to the ground, that is “lay” and “lay & rotate” are not allowed, fill in “0” under the “allowed” column of these two orientations. “0” means not allowed such load orientation, leave it blank or “1” means allowed.

Since it is required that only A and B can be mixed on a pallet, and others cannot be mixed, it is necessary to set the same group name for cargo A and B, which can be mixed , and set different group names for cargoes which can not be mixed. The group name can be numbers, Chinese characters, and letters. In this case, letters are used to define.

Since there are no specified pallets, add the frequently used pallets, 1200×1000mm and 1100×1100mm into the container stuffing software. Set the [maximum load height] of the pallet to “120CM”, and the extend size to “5cm”.

Then set loading rules, uncheck [Allow different groups of cargoes to be mixed in one container].

Click [Loading Plan] and you can see that the cargoes are loaded by two pallets of 1100×1100 and two pallets of 1200×1000. Through the 3D load plan diagram, you can see that only Cargo A and Cargo B are mixed, and no others are mixed, which fully meets the loading requirements.

Do you have the same pallet loading problem of not mixing different orders of cargoes? LoadMaster container stuffing software can help you load your shipping containers the best way! !