How to keep the container’s balance?

Keeping the balance of the container is of great significance especially when loading heavy cargoes. Because the offset of the center of gravity may lead to cargo damage during the shipping process, which will result in unnecessary shipping costs.

For example: if the offset of the center of gravity is not within a reasonable range while lifting the container on and off at the terminal, there is a risk of the container falling, causing serious cargo damage and other economic losses.

In general, transportation authorities have strict constraints on the offset of the center of gravity. If the offset is not within the constrained range, there will be penalties such as adjustment fees, high fines, or being required to be pulled back to reload, which will not only cause huge economic losses but also delays in delivery and inability to deliver goods on time, in the end resulting in reduced customer satisfaction, customer complaints and even loss of customers.

The reason why the offset of the center of gravity may cause these tricky problems for companies is because purely depending on the manual loading experience isn’t scientific enough to predict the potential offset degree, therefore may causing immeasurable losses to the enterprise.

For example, a motorcycle parts company in Chongqing , China has a lot of orders of cargoes that need to be transported through railway. It often happens that the center of gravity offset does not meet the requirements of the Chongqing Railway Bureau, resulting in high fines, and the inability to deliver goods to customers on time because of reloading. This has brought them a lot of trouble. It wasn’t until they used LoadMaster load planning software that the problem was solved.

So, how does LoadMaster load planning software help various companies deal with the offset of the center of gravity? Let’s take a look!

When calculating the load plan, LoadMaster also provides a balance analysis of the center of gravity offset enabling users clearly see the the offset degree and allowing the offset of the center of gravity predictable and controllable.

Center of gravity balance analysis for railway authorities: By checking the “front and rear weight offset” and “left and right weight offset”, fines can be avoided as long as the goods are within the required range of offset.

Center of gravity balance analysis for ocean shipping: Users can know about the offset degree by checking the “Length Direction Core Offset” and “Width Direction Core Offset”. According to experiments conducted by Japanese experts, when the container is fully loaded, the safety of the cargo can be ensured if the front, rear, left, and right offsets are within 10%.

If the effect of the load plan automatically generated by the software cannot meet the requirements of the range of the center of gravity offset, you can use manual edit to adjust the placement of the cargo. On the right corner of the manual edit interface, real-time balance analysis is displayed to help check if the offset is within the required range.