How to optimize process management for Sleemon?

Sleemon, a world-famous home products manufacturing enterprise, is a leading enterprise in the mattress industry, specializing in the sales of high-quality furniture centered around mattresses. Their primary products include mattresses, soft beds, and complementary items. Sleemon is a globally renowned bedding manufacturer involved in retail and exportation. The company’s hotel furniture products, widely used by Intercontinental, Marriott, Hilton, Sheraton, Kempinski and more than 1000 starred hotels, is the high-quality suppliers of Great Hall of the People, the National Grand Theater, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse and other Chinese national units.

According to Sleemon, maximizing space utilization while logically arranging packaging to save on logistics costs and reduce employee workload and intensity has been a key challenge for them. Therefore they came to LoadMaster cargo loading optimization software for help.

In the freight shipping process, their exact loading requirements for cargoes are as follows:

  1. Some items need to be packed first, and then additional items should be packed in the remaining space.
  2. If multiple containers are used, the customer demands uniform volume distribution among each container.
  3. After packing, a detailed packing list for each container’s contents is required for customs clearance documentation.
  4. Cargoes vary in weight, therefore, ensuring heavier items are placed at the bottom and lighter ones at the top is crucial.

With the help of LoadMaster, all the requirements have been met easily:

  1. Setting parameter “Loading Sequence” in the Excel template to meet the loading order requirement of different cargoes.
  2. Ensuring equal loading volumes of each container.
  3. Exporting detailed and intuitive container loading solutions in Excel, showcasing multiple dimensions of container loading plans.
  4. Addressing weight distribution concerns by setting parameter “Stacking Orders”, which is a relative value to differentiate the load-bearing capacities of different cargoes.
  5. Catering to personalized loading requirements with manual edit, allowing cargoes moved to specified location in the container or specifies containers

Both the working efficiency and container loading rate have been greatly improved.

  1. Loading staff no longer needs to brainstorm how to arrange goods to meet complex loading requirements. They simply input the relevant loading configurations as per customer requests into the software. Typically, simple loading solutions for 1-2 containers take about 3-5 minutes to calculate and export, while more complex load plans involving multiple containers and skus can be completed in approximately 10-20 minutes, significantly saving time and reducing labor costs.

  2. The sales department can swiftly communicate with customers using 3D container loading plans to give suggestions of cargo quantity adjustment. The customs clearance department references the container loading reports for document preparation in the customs clearance process.

  1. LoadMaster has brought about better control and transparency in the whole order shipping process.