How to improve space utilization rate?

In case of tall cargoes being loaded into containers , if required to be loaded with their height vertical to the container ground, they usually cannot be stacked for one more layer with the same stacking method. For example, refrigerators are very high, if required to be only stacked with height vertical to the container ground, they can solely be loaded for one layer, leading to the waste space on top of this layer. How to make the best use of this remaining space? Under the guidance of LoadMaster shipping container loading software, refrigerators with length or width to the container ground can be stacked on top of the first layer of refrigerators by setting parameters “Support Others” and “Max Stack”. Let’s see how to operate step by step.

For example, a set of refrigerators are required to be loaded into containers and the cargo information is as follows.

Cargo dimension

First, fill in the column of “Support Others” with “0” for cargoes loaded with width or length vertical to the container ground, which means other cargoes cannot be stacked on top of these cargoes. Second, fill in the column of “Max Stack” with a suitable number(usually 1 or 2) for these cargoes.

Cargo consttraints: support others and max stack.

Then set other parameters and loading rules depending on actual loading requirements.

Last click “Loading Plan”, and you can see through the 3D diagram that the bottom layer of cargoes stacked with their height vertical to the container ground and the second layer of cargoes are stacked with their width vertical to the container ground.

Same cargo with different placement orientations.

How to calculate two-steps loading?

In case of the palletized cargoes being loaded into containers, sometimes it is required to calculate how to stack boxes on a pallet in an optimal way before container loading calculation. Therefore the calculation becomes more complicated, far beyond human mind. Under such circumstances, LoadMaster load planning optimization software indicates its advantages! Let’s check it out!

For example, there is an order of cargoes needed to to be loaded into containers. Cargo information is as follows.

This is cargo dimension.

Loading requirements:

  1. Cargoes cannot be placed with their length vertical to the container ground.
  2. Select the most suitable type of pallets and calculate how to optimally load cargoes on these pallets. Then select the most suitable type of containers and calculate container loading.
  3. The height of the pallet is limited to 1.1 meters (including the height of the pallet itself).

Next let’s see how to operate in LoadMaster step by step.

First, determine the task type. Click “Two-steps Loading”.

Then add cargoes through Excel template. Since cargoes are required not to be placed with their length vertical to the container ground which means they can not Lay, Lay&Rotate. Fill in “0” in the columns of these two stacking codes.

This is placement orientation parameter set.

Since cargoes need to be palletized and the pallet type is uncertain, fill in”1” in the column of “Inteermidiate Packing Method”. “1” means pallet type is uncertain so that LoadMaster load planning optimization software can intelligently select the most suitable pallet type.

This is intermediate packing method parameter set.

Then add containers into the container loading calculator. Since container type is also uncertain, it is recommended to add the frequently used containers from the container database. In this way, LoadMaster can also intelligently select the most suitable container.

It should be noted that the cargoes are loaded into containers with pallet package, so forklift is gonna be used. For the sake of convenience of forklift operation, set the “Reserved Height” as 10cm and then the “Corner Casting Height” doesn’t need to be set.

Corner castings and reserved size set.

Then click “Intermediate Containers” to add pallets into the LoadMaster. Since the pallet type is uncertain, add those frequently used pallets from database and then set “Maximum Load Height” as 110cm.

Maximum loadable height of the pallet.

Click “Loading Plan” and you will get an optimal load plan within seconds calculating both pallet loading and container loading.

It can be seen from the left container list that 40 pallets measuring 1100*1100, and a 40GP are used. Click each container and you can see clearly how cargoes are stacked on pallets and in containers.

Loading summary.

3d load plan diagram

LoadMaster software creates 15% profits for TEAM

TEAM international (Hong Kong) is primarily engaged in the manufacturing and sales of musical instruments and accessories, exporting to various countries and regions including Europe and America.

Before working with LoadMaster, they depended on manual container loading calculation. It could work in case of single-item container loading. However if there were many types of cargoes, it’s too hard to calculate a load plan for human labor. What’s worse, they had 30-50 orders every month so even if load plans could be calculated manually, it’s gonna take so long and too late to ship. Furthermore, their clients usually ordered cargoes in full containers which means they needed to choose FCL. However due to the inaccuracy of manual container loading calculation, the load plan was always not accurate enough, leading to a low container utilization rate in case that containers couldn’t stuff all cargoes on site.

While having no clues, we met LoadMaster which has easily solved the trouble. First, import cargo information through order form mode saves a great amount of time, magnificently elevating working efficiency. In the past, they might need hours or even days to get a load plan, but with the help of LoadMaster, now they only need 5-10 minutes to get an optimal load plan including the time of detail adjusting. Second, the load plan is accurate and feasible. Under the guidance of the step-by-step 3D view, they can stuff all cargoes into containers. Third, the container utilization rate has been greatly improved to 88%-90%, an increase of 15%, which means 15% more profits.

This is a container loading more cargo.

How to keep the container’s balance?

LoadMaster container loading optimization software offers an interactive 3D view through which you can know if each container keeps balance. Ensuring that containers keep the balance is of great significance especially for heavy and high-value cargoes in the industries like auto parts industry and machinery and electrical industry. If a certain container is not balanced, you can adjust its center of gravity via manual edit or modifying loading rules to try to avoid cargo damage.

How to check and modify in LoadMaster? Let’s take a look!

There are two ways to check the balance of the container. One is to check COG (Center of Gravity) view on the top left. The other is to click “Balance Analysis” on the right. After clicking “Balance Analysis”, you can also see “Front-Back-Weight-Offset”, “Left-Right-Weight-Offset”, “Length Direction Core Offset” and “Width Direction Core Offset” which you can modify through manual edit if they can’t meet the loading requirements of some Transportation Authorities such as railway authority. While modifying through manual edit, you can also observe real-time changes of center of gravity.

This is balance analysis in 3d load plan.

This is real-time change of the center-of-gravity in manual edit.

How to adjust the center gravity through manual edit? Just properly switch the locations of some heavy cargoes and light ones.

This is manual edit button.

Several tips for manual edit:

  1. The cargo lines are red, indicating they are outside the container; the cargo lines are green, indicating they are inside the container.
  2. Hold the left mouse button with your right hand and drag when moving the cargo.
  3. If the cargo you are moving jumps when coming close to other cargoes, you can hold the Ctrl key with your left hand and hold the left mouse button with your right hand while moving. Move the cargo to the desired position and then release the mouse button.
  4. When assembling a new loading/unloading block, hold the Ctrl key with your left hand and click the mouse with your right hand to select multiple loading/unloading blocks at the same time.
  5. Click the undo button to cancel the current operation and go back to the previous step.

How to load cargo in ratio?

Loading cargoes in a defined ratio into containers is a common loading requirement in the air conditioning industry. Especially when many different types of cargoes are required to be loaded in proportion and to attain the biggest container utilization rate at the same time, it’s extremely difficult for human computation to offer an optimal load plan.

For example, when exporting air conditioners, they are usually packed into two packages, one with an outdoor unit and the other with an indoor unit. The ratio of these two kinds of packages is 1:1 and it is required to not let the packages of outdoor units press those of indoor units, otherwise cargo damage is easy to appear. In some cases, different types of air conditioners would appear in the same order.

Under such circumstance, even if a load plan can be calculated by human labor, it has the following possibilities. One is that there is much space wasted in containers although the ratio of cargo numbers is guaranteed. The other is that calculated containers cannot accommodate all cargoes, possibly delaying the shipping date and then the arrival date. Without cargoes being delivered on time, clients who have made the order cannot sell them in a timely manner and would complain about the delay, even worse, would choose another partner to ship cargoes. That is to say, there is a huge risk to lose these clients.

This is a unfull container.

How to avoid the tragedy? LoadMaster load planning optimization software can do you a favor! Let’s see how LoadMaster helps many well-known air conditioning companies such as Haier, Hisense, TCL, and AUX design optimal load plans!

For instance, air conditioning companyⅠhas made an order including three types of air conditioners, air conditioner A, air conditioner B and air conditioner C. Each type of air conditioners have two kinds of packages, one with outdoor units and the other with indoor units. And the ratio of these two kinds of packages is 1:1. Also the packages of outdoor units cannot press those of indoor units.

First, download the Excel template of cargoes and then fill in the columns of Name, Quantity, Length, Width and Height which are all required. Then, fill in Cargo Set Name and Quantity in Cargo Set. In this example, we can fill in the column of Cargo Set Name with A, B, C and the column of Quantity in Cargo Set all with 1.

Next, set Stacking Orders which indicates loading capacities of different cargoes and is a relative value. The larger number, the bigger loading capacity. Therefore cargoes with bigger Stacking Orders should be put lower then others with smaller Stacking Orders. In this example, outdoor units cannot press indoor units, which means that outdoor units have bigger Stacking Orders and indoor units have smaller Stacking Orders.

This is how to set the ratio in the template.

After setting cargo parameters, add frequently used containers and set corresponding parameters.

Finally, click Loading Plan and an optimal load plan would be calculated within 1 second by LoadMaster load planning optimization software.

This is fast computing speed.

Via 3D diagram, you can clearly see that the ratio of outdoor units and indoor units is 1:1 and indoor units are all loaded on the top of outdoor units. Furthermore, the container utilization rate exceeds 90%. Plus, the load plan can be shared to other mobile platforms to guide on-site loading.

This is a 3d load plan with cargo loaded as sets.

LoadMaster always stands together with clients and aims to take each and every loading requirement of clients into consideration and then offers optimal load plans. Are you still disturbed by complex computation of container load plan? Come and apply for a 30-day free trial of LoadMaster load planning optimization software with full functions and without times limit at !

How to modify cargo information flexibly?

In some cases before calculating container loading, cargo information including size, methods of placement and other requirements in different orders are almost the same except for a little bit change from certain cargoes. Therefore you can add the fixed information of these cargoes into the cargo database in LoadMaster load plan optimization software to avoid repetitive cargo information input to save time. After adding the information, you can choose to add cargoes into the software through “Import from Database” or “Import(Order Form Mode)”.

This is cargo database.

The former one can be used to add cargoes in small varieties. The latter one, import according to orders, is more convenient to add cargoes in large varieties. However, even if most cargo information in a new order is fixed, a little bit change of certain cargoes is unavoidable. Therefore if you add all cargo information through “Import(Order Form Mode)”, the software will still design the load plan according to cargo information previously added to cargo database.

Two ways to add cargo with different quantities.

So how to modify the information of these certain cargoes without modifying the database?

Under the guidance of LoadMaster load plan optimization software, this is quite simple and easy!

You can continue to choose “Import(Order Form Mode)” to add cargo information of new orders. Then open the interface of Cargo, modify the changed information of certain cargoes. For example, as is shown in the following picture, only Cargo E’s information has changed in this order. You can solely modify Cargo E’ information in the Cargo interface. In this way, database won’t be changed but only the cargo information that has changed in new orders can be modified in the Cargo interface.

This is where to modify cargo information.

Are you attracted by the convenience of cargo information import offered by LoadMaster? Come and try it!

How can LoadMaster help reduce cargo damage?(2)

After knowing how to set parameters in the LoadMaster truck load planning software to reduce cargo damage in the same kind of cargoes, let’s see how to reduce that in different kinds of cargoes.

When a set of cargoes have following loading requirements such as heavy ones cannot press light ones or big ones cannot press small ones, we can meet these requirements by setting “Stacking Orders”, which indicates the loading capacity of each cargo. Cargoes with bigger “Stacking Orders” number have bigger loading capacity and should be placed under those with smaller “Stacking Orders” number.

In most cases when different kinds of cargoes are allowed to be loaded in one container, they can be stacked by each other for the sake of a high container utilization rate without which clients who receive cargoes will complain and show dissatisfaction. Under such circumstance, we can set the same “Stacking Code” for cargoes that can be stacked by each other, in which way these cargoes will be regarded as the same kind to stack. Also we need to set the loading rule “Same stack code treat as one type mode”. However, even these cargoes are allowed to stack as the same kind, they should have a maximum stacking layer to try to avoid the cargo damage because each cargo have the biggest loading capacity which, if exceeded, will be broken and then lead to cargo damage. Therefore, we need to set the “Max Stack” for each of these cargoes.

This is Stack Code interface.

This is “Same Stack code treat as one type mode” rule.

This is the same Max Stack.

As for cargoes that are high-value such as cargoes in the auto parts industry, it is often required to only stack those with the same or similar lengths and widths and to realize high-to-low loading from front to end in containers, aiming to reduce cargo damage as much as possible. Therefore, you can check “Only cargoes with the same length and width are allowed to stack on top of each other (when using cargo set, this method is invalid)” in the “Loading Rules” interface.

This is “Only cargoes with the same length and width are allowed to stack on top of each other” rule.

And if cargoes are heavy, it it recommended to place them at the bottom of containers. Therefore you can check “Bottom Only” for these heavy cargoes in Cargo interface.

This is “Bottom Only” interface.

Cargoes with different methods of placement have different loading capacities. Under this prerequisite, some cargoes can only stack by themselves while others can be stacked by other kinds of cargoes. And you can decide if they can be stacked under other cargoes by setting the parameter “Support Others” in Cargo interface.

This is “Support Others” interface.

After setting all parameters and loading rules, an optimal load plan will be offered by LoadMaster load planning calculator. However, sometimes, the balance of containers cannot meet the requirements for railway and shipping. Don’t worry, LoadMaster truck load planning software can help you adjust the balance of containers by switching the methods of placement and location of cargoes in containers through the “Manual Edit”.

This is manual edit button.

This is manual edit operation interface.

In short, with the help of LoadMaster truck load planning software, cargo damage can be avoided to the largest extent.

How can LoadMaster help reduce cargo damage?(1)

In most cases, cargo damage is hard to avoid and is very tricky to deal with. It not only means the loss for companies but also, more importantly, will reduce the satisfaction of clients who have made the order of the cargoes, possibly resulting in the complaints of these clients and even worse, the customer attrition.

This is a container where the cargo falls down.

How can LoadMaster cargo loading optimization software ( help reduce cargo damage and avoid the potential loss for companies? Let’s check it out!

As for the same kind of cargoes, we can try to avoid the cargo damage by setting three parameters: Placement Constrain, Max Stack and Max Overhang Ratio(%).

In LoadMaster, “Placement constrain” refers to how cargoes are placed in containers. There are 6 default methods of placement in the software: Stand, Stand&Rotate, Side, Side&Rotate, Lay, Lay&Rotate. Stand means the height of cargoes are vertical to the container ground and Stand&Rotate is to rotate horizontally 90 degrees on the basis of Stand. Side means the width of cargoes are vertical to the container ground and Side&Rotate is to rotate horizontally 90 degrees on the basis of Side. Lay means the length of cargoes are vertical to the container ground and Lay&Rotate is to rotate horizontally 90 degrees on the basis of Lay.

This is Stand, Stand&Rotate placement.

This is Side, Side&Rotate placement.

This is Lay, Lay&Rotate placement.

Different methods of placement result in different load capacities even for the same cargo. For example, refrigerators are usually very tall in the direction of container height so they are often required to be placed with their height vertical to the ground when they are placed at the bottom layer. When placed in this way, refrigerators have the biggest loading capacity. However, the remaining space in the direction of container height is not enough for another layer of refrigerators with the same placement as those at the bottom layer. But there’s gonna be a waste of container room if not using the remaining space. Under such circumstances, you can set that the second layer of refrigerators be placed with their height parallel to the container ground. Since the bottom layer of refrigerators have the biggest loading capacity, so they can support the second layer of refrigerators. Therefore, you can try to avoid cargo damage while making the best use of container space by setting the Placement Constrain.

This is a picture of refrigerators with different orientations in a container.

Setting “Max Stack” can also help reduce or avoid cargo damage. Max Stack means the maximum number of stacking layers of the same kind of cargoes within the range of load capacity of this kind of cargoes. Sometimes even if there is still remaining space in the direction of container height, cargoes are not allowed to be stacked for one more layer because that way cargoes at lower layers may not be able to bear.

This is Max Stack.

In practical container loading operations, it is generally not required for the objects placed on top to be completely supported by the underlying objects. Partial overhang of the objects on top is allowed. “Max Overhang Ratio” refers to the maximum overhang ratio of the cargoes that can be placed without support below. The default Max Overhang Ratio of the software is 33.3%, meaning that this cargo can have one-third of itself unsupported. In most cases, cargoes can overhang to a small extent. But as for cargoes made of glass, it is not recommended to set Max Overhang Ratio as 0 because they’re easy to be broken during turbulences.

This is the comparison of different overhang rate.

As for the same kind of cargoes, we can try to reduce and avoid cargo damage by setting three parameters Placement Constrain, Max Stack and Max Overhang Ratio(%). What about different cargoes? How should we set in the cargo loading optimization software? Please stay tuned and we can figure it out in the next post!

How to realize accurate container loading?

Compared with manually calculated load plans, software designed load plans are often doubted if they have load plan feasibility. That is to say, some people may question if load plans offered by container loading calculators are just theoretical. As to LoadMaster cargo load planning software, the answer is a definite No! Let’s see how LoadMaster can guarantee accurate container loading by taking the following details into consideration.

First, corner castings. Corner castings are two fasteners at the top corners of containers. Although they occupy only a small amount of space in the container, the container will often be too full to load all goods due to the underestimation of the size of corner fittings by experienced personnel. LoadMaster can automatically avoid corner castings when optimizing the load plan, which only needs users to set “Corner Casting Length, Width, Height”. The length, width and height of corner castings are generally 10×10×10cm.

This is how to edit corner castings.

Second, the gap between cargoes when loading them into containers, the carton expansion, and sometimes buffer materials added between the cargoes, which are unavoidable in actual loading operation. You can simulate the above three scenarios by either setting “Reserved Size” or “Spatial Separation” in LoadMaster. “Reserved Size” is to reserve some space in containers in the directions of container length, width and height and is an empirical value to deduct. You can summarize how much should be deducted to guide the on-site loading after using LoadMaster. “Spatial Separation” is to reserve a size between cargoes in the directions of container length, width and height. If you need to balance containers, it is recommended to use “Spatial Separation” to simulate. “Spatial Separation” is an empirical value, and you can try to find the most appropriate value by using LoadMaster cargo load planning software for several times. The recommended setting for the first use is about 1cm.

This is how to edit reserved size.

This is how to edit spatial separation.

Do you still doubt that the container loading calculator designed load plan is just theoretical? Come and apply for the free trial to try by yourself!

How to calculate the quantity of unurgent cargoes?

In some cases, after loading all cargoes required to be shipped through containers, there is remaining space to load other cargoes not strictly required to be shipped and their quantities are uncertain. An accurate number of these cargoes needed is far beyond human computation. But how does LoadMaster load planning software solve this tricky problem? Let’s check it out!

This is a man disturbed by complex calculation.

For example, this is the order of a client. If there is remained space in containers after loading Cargo A, Cargo B and Cargo C, then Cargo D and Cargo E can be loaded to fill up the remaining space.

This is cargo data chart.

So how to calculate the accurate quantity of these two cargoes? First, set the “Urgency” of Cargo D and Cargo E as 1 in the Cargo Template.(When a batch of cargoes has been loaded and the remaining space can be filled with some other small cargoes, we can achieve it by setting the “Urgency” of the small/uncertain cargoes as “1”.) Next, set their quantity as a relatively large number such as 200 because the accurate number of these two cargoes need is uncertain.

This is cargo dta import template.

Then click “Loading Plan”, and you can get an optimal load plan within 1 second. You can see the accurate quantity of Cargo D and Cargo E needed together with their placement positions in containers. What’s more, the load plan can also serve as a reference for factories to manufacture cargoes so that factories will not over-produce or under-produce. In this way, container space is made the best use of, which will not cause complaints from clients who have made the order.

This is the result of loaded and unloaded quantity of unurgent cargo.

This is cargo statistics with accurate quantity.